Role of Voluntary Agencies in Rural Development: A Study in Dakshina Kannada and Udupi District
Dr Shripathi Kalluraya, Mangalore University .
Dr.Shripathi Kalluraya, in this report, presents the problem of co-ordination among the implementing agencies of rural development programmes. He discusses the background of his research problem in Chapter one where he brings forth the various issues of rural development and administration. He also provides a solution in the form of civil participation. Then he moves on to underscore the importance and role of voluntary agencies in rural development and the changing role of voluntary agencies.
The Second Chapter concentrates on the research design where research methodology is discussed. It also explains the scope and objective of the research undertaken. Chapter III analyses the research problem regarding the role of voluntary agencies in rural development in Dakshina Kannada and Udupi districts. It focuses on the history and nature of voluntary action in the region. A brief profile of the sample voluntary agencies is also given. The report concludes with the findings and solutions for the research problem initially raised by the author.